Business Sponsorships, Donation Matching & Prize Donations

Start a Peer-to-peer fundraising page. It’s quick and easy to make a BIG IMPACT.


Join us on Giving Tuesday at Niko’s Red Mill in Woodstock and spread the word to people you know! Raffles, Games & Prizes!


Our Goal - $20,000 by Giving Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Our goal is to raise $20,000 through peer to peer fundraising pages and our in person event at Niko’s Red Mill in Woodstock, IL on November 28th, 2023.

Preventing Dogs From Entering Shelters

With the money we raise, we’ll be able to launch of our Breeder Directory, a first of its kind tool that will create much needed transparency and accountability in breeding programs.

Your donation helps us make this vision a reality, leaving unscrupulous breeders with no place to hide resulting in lower shelter populations.

We Need Your Help

Donation Matching, Prize Donations and Sponsorships will make all the difference in reaching our goal.

Donation Matching

You can make a huge impact by matching the funds that 1 or all of our fundraisers bring in. You choose your cap!

Prize Donations

Prizes donated now will be used in our Giving Tuesday event on November 28th, 2023 or our Silent Auction in March 2024.

All business donations are tax deductible and include the following:

  • Mention in our Giving Tuesday social media posts

  • Your business name on the back of our Giving Tuesday t-shirts

    Bronze Sponsor $1,000

  • Logo placement on our website and event materials

  • Mention in social media posts and newsletters

  • Recognition during events

    Silver Sponsor $2,500

  • All benefits of Bronze Sponsorship

  • Larger logo placement on website and event materials

  • Prominent mention in social media posts and newsletters

  • Verbal recognition during events

    Gold Sponsor $5,000

  • All benefits of Silver Sponsorship

  • Premier logo placement on website and event materials

  • Exclusive social media spotlight and feature in newsletters

  • Logo on event banners and promotional materials

  • Special mention and appreciation during events

    Platinum Sponsor $10,000

  • All benefits of Gold Sponsorship

  • Exclusive logo placement on prominent areas of website and event materials

  • Dedicated social media posts and custom feature in newsletters

  • Prominent logo placement on event banners, promotional materials, and backdrops

  • Exclusive speaking opportunity at events

    Diamond Sponsor $25,000

  • All benefits of Platinum Sponsorship

  • Highest-tier logo placement on website and event materials

  • Exclusive, tailored social media campaign and prominent feature in newsletters

  • Premier logo placement on event banners, promotional materials, and backdrops

  • Keynote speaking opportunity at events

  • VIP access and recognition at all events

    Custom Sponsorship:

  • Tailor a sponsorship package to the specific needs and preferences of the sponsor, including unique benefits and opportunities.


  • Donation matching is a donation made in the amount one peer to peer fundraiser raises or it can be done in the total amount raised by the fundraiser as a whole.

    As the business owner you decide how much you’re willing to match. Example: You can say, “Our business will match donations up to” your certain amount.

  • You will receive a donation letter that verifies the amount you donated for use in your tax records.

    If you donate a prize rather than a monetary donation, we’ll need to know how much that prize is valued at.